Monday, January 18, 2010

Recession Busting Tips Summary

So just in case you missed any of the 10 recession busting tips published in December and January, a quick reminder summary of the 10 tips:

1. Count Every Penny

2. Show Me The Money

3. Check & Double Check

4. Negotiating

5. Financial Status

6. Your Staff

7. Be Visible

8. Promote

9. Remember Your Regulars

10. Stay Focussed

So did you find these useful, have you gone through some or all of the tips yet?

I would love to hear what you think or what you have acted on; it would be great to expand these 10 tips in the future with your new tips. I look forward to reading your comments and stories.....

Friday, January 8, 2010

Recession Busting Tips No10 - Stay Focussed

Staying focussed and not panicking are vitally important, you now have a list of things you can do to help yourself and your business enjoy a better year ahead.

Work through the list gradually, some things you may already have done or perhaps have been meaning to do, so this is a timely reminder. You may already be following a similar process, well great, whatever position you are in; you are helping yourself to a better 2010.

Wishing you much success, happiness and health for 2010.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Recession Busting Tips No9 - Remember Your Regulars

Your existing customers are very, very important, they are the reason you are still in business, so whatever you do to get new ones, do not loose sight of your existing customers and their value to your business.

Do not take them for granted, or assume they will always be there. Everyone is in the same situation and feeling the recession to a greater or lesser degree, so make them feel special and valued. It does not have to be something big or a grand gesture, just the fact you have remembered them in some small way will be enough to reassure them that they are important and valued by you.

Do not let another supplier step in and take one or more of your regular customers away, make them feel valued, provide good products and services, keep your promises and live up to your USP.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Recession Busting Tips No8 - Promote

Firstly, Happy New Year to all my readers; here's hoping that 2010 is a good one for all of us small business owners.

So to continue with the recession busting tips theme.....

Promote the good things about your business.

What is it that sets you apart from your competition, if you do not know what your USP is, then find out quickly and put it in place and make sure everyone knows, staff included.

Now you have a USP that sets you apart from the competition, something that your customers like and the reason they choose you. You must now promote your USP like crazy, if some people like ‘it’ then lots more will also like your product or service, but remember you must keep your promises.

Shout about what makes you different from all the rest, commit to a level of customer service and keep to it, have an unbeatable guarantee and give your customers confidence in you and your business.