Monday, July 27, 2009

7 Things you need to know about your prospects in your target market – Part 7

Their location, where do they live, in a flat or house, in the town or country.

This is not the same as income related i.e. big house in the country, again this is about what they will need and want, a lawnmower is no good if you are living in a flat.

You also need to be aware of both cultural and regional differences, whether you plan to sell across the world or just across the UK ( or your own country) you will still have differences you need to be aware of, possibly even offering different language options.

Values can change widely from north to south and east to west, so be aware of this and target your message accordingly.

These 7 key areas to consider when writing your target message to your prospects will ensure you come away with a much more specific message targeted to and written for YOUR audience at that time.

Also, an added benefit, having done it once, for one , you will find it easy and quick to target the same offer with a new focused message to a different audience when applicable.

In the next blog (part 7 bonus) I will write more about your specific target market profile and how to develop one for all you marketing messages across the web, email, sales letter whatever you use to talk to your prospects.

Monday, July 20, 2009

7 Things you need to know about your prospects in your target market – Part 6

Their income, this is not a rich or poor scenario, as both may have a need for your product or service, but there may be different levels of service you can offer, or an entry level product with accessories as extras, rather than everything you need purchased at the same time.

……….to be continued

Monday, July 13, 2009

7 Things you need to know about your prospects in your target market – Part 5

Their relationship/marital status, it’s not a case of are they married, but more the difference between the message to a single 40 something, with lots of disposable income and few responsibilities or a married person in their 40’s with two kids, a mortgage and a lot of responsibilities.

……….to be continued

Monday, July 6, 2009

7 Things you need to know about your prospects in your target market – Part 4

Their level of education, this is similar in some respects to the age related question, once again we need to speak in language the recipient will readily understand.

It is not a case of treating everyone like idiots or conversely like brain boxes, but being appropriate in what we say and how we say it, to ensure the right message is received and understood by the right audience - your target customer.

……….to be continued